IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Multicast Address Resolution Protocol (MARS)

This chapter describes Multicast Address Resolution Protocol (MARS) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.001 MARS Q ovf (destId= destQueue) for nt network

Long Syntax: MARS.001 MARS Queue overflow (destId= destQueue) net network

Description: A MARS packet was discarded, rather than being queued, because the queue of unprocessed MARS packets was too long. This means that MARS packets are arriving faster than they can be processed. Note that this event does not get counted in ELS, it is instead counted in the MARS console. The counters (kept per input network) can be read using the MARS>STATISTICS command, in the ``input packet overflows'' section.

Cause: This is often a symptom of a so-called ``MARS storm''. Some packets (usually an IP broadcast) arrive at hosts (usually a popular workstation) which do not recognize the destination address; they then attempt (in contravention of the Host specification) to forward the packet, but to do so they need the MARS mapping. Since they all receive the broadcast at the same time, they all attempt to forward the packet at the same time, and all do an MARS request at the same time.

Action: Prevail on the appropriate host manufacturer to bring their software into compliance with the specification. In the short term, it may be possible to disable the source of the packets, or cause it to use an address that the misbehaving hosts do recognize as a broadcast.



Short Syntax: MARS.002 MARS Q dst is NULL (destId= destQueue) for nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.002 MARS queue destination is NULL (destId= destQueue) for net network ID

Description: A message was sent to the internal MARS processing routine with an invalid destination type or the destination queue was not initialized correctly.



Short Syntax: MARS.003 ATM MARS marsSend net not sup or NULL channel detected (channel= chaDest nt network ID)

Long Syntax: MARS.003 ATM MARS marsSend net not supported or NULL channel detected (channel= chaDest net network ID)

Description: An outgoing MARS packet was received on a network which is not using MARS for address translation in any protocol or the channel for which the packet was to be sent on is NULL. check the information contained in the message to determine the cause of failure.

Cause: The gateway is misconfigured.

Action: Correct the configuration.



Short Syntax: MARS.004 ATM MARS Rqst send failed rsn reason_code nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.004 ATM MARS transmission of request failed for reason reason_code net network ID

Description: An outgoing MARS request packet was dropped as the result of some problem internal problem. The reason_code gives the cause.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.



Short Syntax: MARS.005 ATM MARS marsSendControlList: Invalid input parms (listAddr= listVal dataAddr= DataVal)

Long Syntax: MARS.005 ATM MARS marsSendControlList: Invalid input parms (listAddr= listVal dataAddr= DataVal)

Description: A request to send a MARS packed on an outging control list was received. The input parameters for this request are invalid. Record the listAddr and dataAddr values and report problem if it continues.



Short Syntax: MARS.006 ATM MARS functionCall: msgDesc.

Long Syntax: MARS.006 ATM MARS functionCall: msgDesc.

Description: An internal error occurred. The message contains where and why the error occurred.



Short Syntax: MARS.008 ATM MARS marsSendMember: Invalid input parms (nodeAddr= nodeVal dataAddr= DataVal)

Long Syntax: MARS.008 ATM MARS marsSendMember: Invalid input parms (nodeAddr= nodeVal dataAddr= DataVal)

Description: A request to send a MARS packed on an outging channel was received. The input parameters for this request are invalid. Record the nodeAddr and dataAddr values and report problem if it continues.



Short Syntax: MARS.009 ATM MARS marsControlListCreate: Invalid input parms (listAddr= listAddr nodeAddr= nodeAddr dataAddr= DataAaddr)

Long Syntax: MARS.009 ATM MARS marsControlListCreate: Invalid input parms (listAddr= listAddr nodeAddr= nodeAddr dataAddr= DataAaddr)

Description: A request to create a control list failed. The input parameters for this request are invalid. Record the listAddr, nodeAddr and dataAddr values and report problem if it continues.



Short Syntax: MARS.010 ATM MARS PlaceCall Failure (rc= retCode): nt network ID for ATM addr = atmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.010 ATM MARS PlaceCall Failure (rc= retCode): net network ID for destination ATM address = atmAddr

Description: While attempting to set up a SVC, the services of the device driver returned a value other than SUCCESS.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.011 ATM MARS PlaceCall Success: nt network ID for ATM addr = atmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.011 ATM MARS PlaceCall Success: net network ID for ATM addr = atmAddr

Description: A call was successfully placed. This channel should show up on the new channel list. It has not yet been answered. When it is answered, a PlaceCallAck message will appear in the log.



Short Syntax: MARS.012 ATM MARS marsControlListAddMember: Invalid input parms (listAddr= listAddr nodeAddr= nodeAddr dataAddr= DataAaddr)

Long Syntax: MARS.012 ATM MARS marsControlListAddMember: Invalid input parms (listAddr= listAddr nodeAddr= nodeAddr dataAddr= DataAaddr)

Description: A request to add a member to a control list failed. The input parameters for this request are invalid. Record the listAddr, nodeAddr and dataAddr values and report problem if it continues.



Short Syntax: MARS.013 ATM MARS AddLeaf Failure (rc= retCode): nt network ID for ATM addr = atmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.013 ATM MARS AddLeaf Failure (rc= retCode): net network ID for destination ATM address = atmAddr

Description: While attempting to add a leaf to an existing P2MP VC the services of the device driver returned a value other than SUCCESS.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.014 ATM MARS AddLeaf Success: vpi= vpiVal vci= vciVal nt network ID for ATM addr = atmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.014 ATM MARS AddLeaf Success: vpi= vpiVal vci= vciVal net network ID for ATM addr = atmAddr

Description: An AddLeaf call was successfully placed. This leaf should show up on the channel list. It has not yet been answered. When it is answered, a AddLeafAck message will appear in the log.



Short Syntax: MARS.015 ATM MARS marsControlListRemoveMember: Invalid input parms (listAddr= listAddr nodeAddr= nodeAddr)

Long Syntax: MARS.015 ATM MARS marsControlListRemoveMember: Invalid input parms (listAddr= listAddr nodeAddr= nodeAddr)

Description: A request to remove a member from a control list failed. The input parameters for this request are invalid. Record the listAddr and nodeAddr values and report problem if it continues.



Short Syntax: MARS.016 ATM MARS HangupLeaf Failure (rc= retCode): vpi= vpiVal vci= vciVal for ATM addr = atmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.016 ATM MARS HangupLeaf Failure (rc= retCode): vpi= vpiVal vci= vciVal for destination ATM address = atmAddr

Description: While attempting to remove a leaf from an existing P2MP VC the services of the device driver returned a value other than SUCCESS.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.017 ATM MARS HangupLeaf Success: vpi= vpiVal vci= vciVal for ATM addr = atmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.017 ATM MARS HangupLeaf Success: vpi= vpiVal vci= vciVal for ATM addr = atmAddr

Description: A HangupLeaf call was successfully placed. This leaf should no longer show up on the channel list.



Short Syntax: MARS.018 ATM MARS CloseDataPath failure(rc= return_code vpi= vpiVal, vci= vciVal) for ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.018 ATM MARS CloseDataPath failure(rc= return_code vpi= vpiVal, vci= vciVal) for ATM address = atmAddr.

Description: When attempting to open up a data path with the specified parameters, a failure occured. The call will be hung up with the appropriate cause code.



Short Syntax: MARS.019 ATM MARS HangupCall Failure (rc= retCode): vpi= vpiVal vci= vciVal for ATM addr = atmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.019 ATM MARS HangupCall Failure (rc= retCode): vpi= vpiVal vci= vciVal for destination ATM address = atmAddr

Description: While attempting to remove a channel the services of the device driver returned a value other than SUCCESS.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.020 ATM MARS functionCall: msgDesc.

Long Syntax: MARS.020 ATM MARS functionCall: msgDesc.

Description: This is the action being performed by the MARS Server.



Short Syntax: MARS.021 ATM MARS marsMcsCreateP2MPVC: Invalid input parms (mpp= marsprt channelp= channel grpaddr= grpaddr mep= prtEnt)

Long Syntax: MARS.021 ATM MARS marsMcsCreateP2MPVC: Invalid input parms (mpp= marsprt channelp= channel grpaddr= grpaddr mep= prtEnt)

Description: A request to create a data VC failed. The input parameters for this request are invalid. Record the mpp, channelp, grpaddr, and mep values and report problem if it continues.



Short Syntax: MARS.022 ATM MARS cmdType: Invalid input parms (channelp= channel mnp= marsnode)

Long Syntax: MARS.022 ATM MARS cmdType: Invalid input parms (channelp= channel mnp= marsnode)

Description: A request to add/remove a member to a data P2MP VC failed. The input parameters for this request are invalid. Record the channelp and mnp values and report problem if it continues.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.030 ATM MARS Net devState (dev num = devNum): ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.030 ATM MARS Net devState (device number = devNum):ATM addr = atmAddr.

Description: This client has received a net up or down call as indicated in the message. All channels and calls will be cleared in the case of a Net Down call. Upon receiving a NetUp upcall, the interface will attempt to reestablish all calls.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.031 ATM MARS AddrStateChg ( action): ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.031 ATM MARS AddrStateChg ( action): ATM addr = atmAddr.

Description: This client has received an address state change from the switch. This means that the address ESI and SEL have been activated or deactivated depending on the message content. If activated the client can procede in setting up and receive calls to the switch. If deactivated all SVC connection will be cleared and but PVCs will remain operable.



Short Syntax: MARS.032 ATM MARS AddrStateChg ( action): ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.032 ATM MARS AddrStateChg ( action): ATM addr = atmAddr.

Description: This client has received an abnormal address state change from the switch. If refused a duplicate MAC address is already registered with the switch.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.033 ATM MARS UNI Vers rcved: nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.033 ATM MARS UNI Vers rcved: net network ID

Description: This ATM client has received the UNI version supported from the switch.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.034 ATM MARS Address Activation pending: nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.034 ATM MARS Address Activation pending: net network ID

Description: This client has initiated the sequence that registers the client ATM address with the switch. When the registration completes, another message of Address State change will be logged describing the status of the clients ATM address.

Action: No action required. This is normal processing.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.035 ATM MARS Address Activation success: nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.035 ATM MARS Address Activation success: net network ID

Description: This client has been successful at activating an address.



Short Syntax: MARS.036 ATM MARS GetAddrByHandle rc= return_code: nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.036 ATM MARS GetAddrByHandle rc= return_code: net network ID

Description: While attempting to get the address from the switch, an error was detected.



Short Syntax: MARS.037 ATM MARS LlcOpenCallSap rc= return_code: nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.037 ATM MARS LlcOpenCallSap rc= return_code: net network ID

Description: While attempting to open a call sap, an error was detected. A call sap is required in order to place or receive ATM calls to a remote destination.



Short Syntax: MARS.038 ATM MARS atmMarsInit Registr failure (rc= return_code): nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.038 ATM MARS atmMarsInit Registr failure (rc= return_code): net network ID

Description: This client has failed to register as a user to the underlying device driver and net handler. This client will be inoperable.

Action: Reboot the router and contact the appropriate service personelle.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.039 ATM MARS atmMarsInit Registr successfull: nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.039 ATM MARS atmMarsInit Registr successfull: net network ID

Description: This client has successfully registered with the underlying device driver and net handler. This is normal initialization.



Short Syntax: MARS.041 ATM MARS atmMarsLecsListReport?:

Long Syntax: MARS.041 ATM MARS atmMarsLecsListReport?:

Description: An internal malfunction. The specified function was invoked on a classical MARS Server for which no such function is defined.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.042 ATM MARS ReceiveCall (vpi= vpiVal, vci= vciVal) for ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.042 ATM MARS ReceiveCall (vpi= vpiVal, vci= vciVal) for ATM address = atmAddr.

Description: A call was received by this client.



Short Syntax: MARS.044 ATM MARS OpenDataPath failr(rc= return_code vpi= vpiVal, vci= vciVal) for ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.044 ATM MARS OpenDataPath failr(rc= return_code vpi= vpiVal, vci= vciVal) for ATM address = atmAddr.

Description: When attempting to open up a data path with the specified parameters, a failure occured. The call will be hung up with the appropriate cause code.



Short Syntax: MARS.045 ATM MARS atmRcvCallAck fail(rc= return_code vpi= vpiVal, vci= vciVal) for ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.045 ATM MARS atmRcvCallAck fail(rc= return_code vpi= vpiVal, vci= vciVal) for ATM address = atmAddr.

Description: When attempting to acknowledge the incoming call, a failure occured.

Cause: The cause is an internal control block problem.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.046 ATM MARS PlaceCallAck (vpi= vpiNum, vci= vciNum) for ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.046 ATM MARS PlaceCallAck (vpi= vpiNum, vci= vciNum) for ATM address = atmAddr.

Description: A call that we have placed has been received and acknowledged by the remote destination. We will open up a data path to the remote side, and will begin transmitting and receiving on the VCC.



Short Syntax: MARS.047 ATM MARS PlaceCallAck call parms mod.(vpi= vpiNum, vci= vciNum) for ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.047 ATM MARS PlaceCallAck call parameters modified (vpi= vpiNum, vci= vciNum) for ATM address = atmAddr.

Description: A call that we have placed has been received and acknowledged by the remote destination but the original parms have been modified. The MARS server can not support modification of call parameters.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.048 ATM MARS atmDisconnectCall: NULL CORRELATOR received

Long Syntax: MARS.048 ATM MARS atmDisconnectCall: NULL CORRELATOR received

Description: A call was released immediately before we received it.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.049 ATM MARS DisconnectCall: (vpi= vpiNum, vci= vciNum type= chanType) for ATM addr = atmAddr.

Long Syntax: MARS.049 ATM MARS DisconnectCall: (vpi= vpiNum, vci= vciNum type= chanType) for ATM address = atmAddr.

Description: Either a call already active, or a call that we are placing has been released. The reason for the release is shown in additional ELS messages. This is a normal occurance. If the channel is required, we will reinitiate it. Control channels, for example are retried every 15 seconds until we connect to the server. The information in this message is the channel vpi/vci, and remote atm address of the channel that is being disconnected.

Cause: Either the network or the remote user has released the call.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.050 ATM MARS DisconnectCall: rsn= reason_code, cause= cause_code, diagLen= diag_len, diagData[0]= diag_data

Long Syntax: MARS.050 ATM MARS DisconnectCall: rsn= reason_code, cause= cause_code, diagLen= diag_len, diagData[0]= diag_data

Description: The information in this message is the reason for which the call has been released.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.052 ATM MARS DisconnectLeaf: rsn= reason_code, cause= cause_code, diagLen= diag_len, diagData[0]= diag_data vpi= vcc_vpi, vci= vcc_vci, LeafAtmAddr= leaf_remote_atm_address

Long Syntax: MARS.052 ATM MARS DisconnectLeaf: rsn= reason_code, cause= cause_code, diagLen= diag_len, diagData[0]= diag_data vpi= vcc_vpi, vci= vcc_vci, LeafAtmAddr= leaf_remote_atm_address

Description: The information in this message is the reason for which the leaf has been released. It also contains the channel vpi/vci for which this leaf was a member of along with the atm address of the leaf.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.053 ATM MARS AddLeafAck: vpi= vcc_vpi, vci= vcc_vci, LeafAtmAddr= leaf_remote_atm_address

Long Syntax: MARS.053 ATM MARS AddLeafAck: vpi= vcc_vpi, vci= vcc_vci, LeafAtmAddr= leaf_remote_atm_address

Description: Confirms a successful addition of a new party to a point-to-multipoint call.



Short Syntax: MARS.054 ATM MARS RcvFrame: Unknown frameType value= protocolNum nt network ID

Long Syntax: MARS.054 ATM MARS RcvFrame: Unknown frameType value= protocolNum net network ID

Description: A packet with an unknown protocol ID has been received off of the specified network. This may or may not be expected traffic. In any event, the packet will be discarded. No forwarding will occur.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.055 ATM MARS This message is available for use

Long Syntax: MARS.055 ATM MARS This message is available for use

Description: This is only a placeholder.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.056 ATM MARS This message is available for use

Long Syntax: MARS.056 ATM MARS This message is available for use

Description: This is only a placeholder.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.057 ATM MARS This message is available for use

Long Syntax: MARS.057 ATM MARS This message is available for use

Description: This is only a placeholder.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.058 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group ignored. Registration pending.

Long Syntax: MARS.058 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group ignored. Registration pending.

Description: ACK from add leaf for previous registration has not yet arrived.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.059 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group ignored. Not registered.

Long Syntax: MARS.059 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group ignored. Not registered.

Description: Attempt to join a group but node has not previously registered.



Short Syntax: MARS.060 ATM MARS remove_group: Removing a group but number of members = numMembers

Long Syntax: MARS.060 ATM MARS remove_group: Removing a group but number of members = numMembers

Description: A group is being removed however the number of members is not zero. This is an internal error indicating that a counter is incorrect. Group removal will continue.



Short Syntax: MARS.061 ATM MARS mars_malloc: calloc of numbytes bytes failed, errno = errno

Long Syntax: MARS.061 ATM MARS mars_malloc: Attempt to calloc numbytes bytes has failed, errno = errno

Description: An attempt to obtain memory has failed.



Short Syntax: MARS.062 ATM MARS mars_free: Address being freed is NULL

Long Syntax: MARS.062 ATM MARS mars_free: Address being freed is NULL

Description: The free storage subroutine is being called but the address is NULL. This is an internal error.



Short Syntax: MARS.063 ATM MARS add_member: Adding a member but the group is NULL

Long Syntax: MARS.063 ATM MARS add_member: Adding a member but the group is NULL

Description: Attempting to add a member to a group but the group is NULL. This is an internal error.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.064 ATM MARS punch_mbr_holes: Group group needs to be hole punched

Long Syntax: MARS.064 ATM MARS punch_mbr_holes: Group group needs to be hole punched

Description: Exclude from the range those groups that the node is already a member of.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.065 ATM MARS print_ functionCall: 0x proto is an unknown protocol

Long Syntax: MARS.065 ATM MARS print_ functionCall: 0x proto is an unknown protocol. It is ignored.

Description: A protocol was defined but not found in the server's protocol table. The protocol is ignored.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.066 ATM MARS print_nodes: For protocol 0x proto, the number of active members = mbrcnt

Long Syntax: MARS.066 ATM MARS print_nodes: For protocol 0x proto, the number of active members = mbrcnt

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.067 ATM MARS print_nodes: For protocol 0x proto, the number of removed members = mbrcnt

Long Syntax: MARS.067 ATM MARS print_nodes: For protocol 0x proto, the number of removed members = mbrcnt

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.068 ATM MARS print_nodes: Server serverAtmAddr has joined these groups:

Long Syntax: MARS.068 ATM MARS print_nodes: Server serverAtmAddr has joined these groups:

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.069 ATM MARS print_nodes: Host hostAtmAddr has joined these groups:

Long Syntax: MARS.069 ATM MARS print_nodes: Host hostAtmAddr has joined these groups:

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.070 ATM MARS print_nodes: group

Long Syntax: MARS.070 ATM MARS print_nodes: group

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.071 ATM MARS print_nodes: Server serverAtmAddr has not joined any groups

Long Syntax: MARS.071 ATM MARS print_nodes: Server serverAtmAddr has not joined any groups

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.072 ATM MARS print_nodes: Host hostAtmAddr has not joined any groups

Long Syntax: MARS.072 ATM MARS print_nodes: Host hostAtmAddr has not joined any groups

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.073 ATM MARS print_groups: Protocol = 0x proto

Long Syntax: MARS.073 ATM MARS print_groups: Protocol = 0x proto

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.074 ATM MARS print_groups: Group group has these servers:

Long Syntax: MARS.074 ATM MARS print_groups: Group group has these servers:

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.075 ATM MARS print_groups: Group group has these hosts:

Long Syntax: MARS.075 ATM MARS print_groups: Group group has these hosts:

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.076 ATM MARS print_groups: Server serverAtmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.076 ATM MARS print_groups: Server serverAtmAddr

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.077 ATM MARS print_groups: Host hostAtmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.077 ATM MARS print_groups: Host hostAtmAddr

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.078 ATM MARS print_groups: Group group has no members

Long Syntax: MARS.078 ATM MARS print_groups: Group group has no members

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.079 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV for group group ignored. Registration pending.

Long Syntax: MARS.079 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV for group group ignored. Registration Pending.

Description: Add leaf ACK for previous registration has not yet arrived.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.080 ATM MARS functionCall: Hole punched pair = group

Long Syntax: MARS.080 ATM MARS functionCall: Hole punched pair = group

Description: An informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.081 ATM MARS free_punset: Multi group = group

Long Syntax: MARS.081 ATM MARS free_punset: Multi group = group

Description: An informational message.



Short Syntax: MARS.082 ATM MARS functionCall: Illegal ATM address.

Long Syntax: MARS.082 ATM MARS functionCall: Illegal ATM address.

Description: Subroutine marsChkAtmAddr indicated ATM address was illegal.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.083 ATM MARS leaveMsg: MARS_LEAVE for group group ignored.

Long Syntax: MARS.083 ATM MARS leaveMsg: MARS_LEAVE for group group ignored.

Description: We must silently drop the message if the copy is not zero or the message contains more than one <min,max> pair.



Short Syntax: MARS.084 ATM MARS leaveMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_LEAVE, ignored.

Long Syntax: MARS.084 ATM MARS leaveMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_LEAVE, ignored.

Description: Unknown protocol in message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.085 ATM MARS leaveMsg: MARS_LEAVE from host hostAtmAddr was not registered.

Long Syntax: MARS.085 ATM MARS leaveMsg: MARS_LEAVE from host hostAtmAddr was not registered.

Description: Unable to find the host in the table of nodes.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.086 ATM MARS leaveMsg: Processing MARS_LEAVE deregister from host hostAtmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.086 ATM MARS leaveMsg: Processing MARS_LEAVE deregister from host hostAtmAddr

Description: An informational trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.087 ATM MARS leaveMsg: Processing MARS_LEAVE for group group

Long Syntax: MARS.087 ATM MARS leaveMsg: Processing MARS_LEAVE for group group

Description: An informational trace message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.088 ATM MARS leaveMsg: MARS_LEAVE for group group ignored.

Long Syntax: MARS.088 ATM MARS leaveMsg: MARS_LEAVE for group group ignored.

Description: If this is an MCS or the cluster member has not previously registered then drop the message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.089 ATM MARS leaveMsg: MARS_LEAVE for group group not found.

Long Syntax: MARS.089 ATM MARS leaveMsg: MARS_LEAVE for group group not found.

Description: The leaving node is not a member of the specified group.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.090 ATM MARS cluster_leave: Group leave = group

Long Syntax: MARS.090 ATM MARS cluster_leave: Group leave = group

Description: The group contained within the MARS_LEAVE message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.091 ATM MARS make_newmsg: Hole punched pair group to new msg.

Long Syntax: MARS.091 ATM MARS make_newmsg: Hole punched pair group to new msg.

Description: Results of hole punching.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.092 ATM MARS multi_group: Group group was MCS holepunched.

Long Syntax: MARS.092 ATM MARS multi_group: Group group was MCS holepunched.

Description: Results of hole punching for MCSs.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.093 ATM MARS multi_group: Hole punched pair group to original msg.

Long Syntax: MARS.093 ATM MARS multi_group: Hole punched pair group to original msg.

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.094 ATM MARS cluster_join: group group gets layer3grp reset.

Long Syntax: MARS.094 ATM MARS cluster_join: group group gets layer3grp reset.

Description: Informational.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.095 ATM MARS cluster_join: group group is an overlap, ignored.

Long Syntax: MARS.095 ATM MARS cluster_join: group group is an overlap, ignored.

Description: Informational.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.096 ATM MARS functionCall: Holepunching produced ctr pairs.

Long Syntax: MARS.096 ATM MARS functionCall: Holepunching produced ctr pairs.

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.097 ATM MARS functionCall: Hole punched pair = group

Long Syntax: MARS.097 ATM MARS functionCall: Hole punched pair = group

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.098 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group ignored.

Long Syntax: MARS.098 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group ignored.

Description: Trace message.



Short Syntax: MARS.099 ATM MARS joinMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_JOIN, ignored.

Long Syntax: MARS.099 ATM MARS joinMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_JOIN, ignored.

Description: Unknown protocol in message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.100 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN from host hostAtmAddr is duplicate registration.

Long Syntax: MARS.100 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN from host hostAtmAddr is duplicate registration.

Description: Duplicate join.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.101 ATM MARS joinMsg: Processing MARS_JOIN register from host hostAtmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.101 ATM MARS joinMsg: Processing MARS_JOIN register from host hostAtmAddr

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.102 ATM MARS joinMsg: Cluster registration has failed.

Long Syntax: MARS.102 ATM MARS joinMsg: Cluster registration has failed.

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.103 ATM MARS joinMsg: Processing MARS_JOIN for group group

Long Syntax: MARS.103 ATM MARS joinMsg: Processing MARS_JOIN for group group

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.104 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group ignored.

Long Syntax: MARS.104 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group ignored.

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.105 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group is a duplicate.

Long Syntax: MARS.105 ATM MARS joinMsg: MARS_JOIN for group group is a duplicate.

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.106 ATM MARS multi_group: No holes were punched in group

Long Syntax: MARS.106 ATM MARS multi_group: No holes were punched in group

Description: Trace message.



Short Syntax: MARS.107 ATM MARS cluster_join: No group specified in MARS_JOIN message

Long Syntax: MARS.107 ATM MARS cluster_join: No group specified in MARS_JOIN message

Description: Attempt to join a group but no group specified.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.108 ATM MARS cluster_join: Group group now has ctr members

Long Syntax: MARS.108 ATM MARS cluster_join: Group group now has ctr members

Description: Trace message.



Short Syntax: MARS.109 ATM MARS cluster_register: io_subroutine_name rc = 0x rc

Long Syntax: MARS.109 ATM MARS cluster_register: io_subroutine_name rc = 0x rc

Description: I/O error return code.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.110 ATM MARS joinMsg: Cluster join has failed.

Long Syntax: MARS.110 ATM MARS joinMsg: Cluster join has failed.

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.111 ATM MARS functionCall: Holepunching produced a NULL pair.

Long Syntax: MARS.111 ATM MARS functionCall: Holepunching produced a NULL pair.

Description: Trace message.



Short Syntax: MARS.112 ATM MARS glrequestMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_GROUPLIST_REQUEST, ignored

Long Syntax: MARS.112 ATM MARS glrequestMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_GROUPLIST_REQUEST, ignored

Description: Unknown protocol in message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.113 ATM MARS glrequestMsg: MARS_GROUPLIST_REQUEST from host hostAtmAddr not registered

Long Syntax: MARS.113 ATM MARS glrequestMsg: MARS_GROUPLIST_REQUEST from host hostAtmAddr not registered

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.114 ATM MARS send_reply: Sending ctr protocol addresses

Long Syntax: MARS.114 ATM MARS send_reply: Sending ctr protocol addresses

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.115 ATM MARS glreply: Group request = group

Long Syntax: MARS.115 ATM MARS glreply: Group request = group

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.116 ATM MARS glreply: Group found = group

Long Syntax: MARS.116 ATM MARS glreply: Group found = group

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.117 ATM MARS glreply: Group found but member is not Layer 3

Long Syntax: MARS.117 ATM MARS glreply: Group found but member is not Layer 3

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.118 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV for group group ignored

Long Syntax: MARS.118 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV for group group ignored

Description: Informational message.



Short Syntax: MARS.119 ATM MARS mservMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_MSERV, ignored.

Long Syntax: MARS.119 ATM MARS mservMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_MSERV, ignored.

Description: Unknown protocol in message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.120 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV from server serverAtmAddr is duplicate registration

Long Syntax: MARS.120 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV from server serverAtmAddr is duplicate registration

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.121 ATM MARS mservMsg: Processing MARS_MSERV register from server serverAtmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.121 ATM MARS mservMsg: Processing MARS_MSERV register from server serverAtmAddr

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.122 ATM MARS mservMsg: Processing MARS_MSERV for group group

Long Syntax: MARS.122 ATM MARS mservMsg: Processing MARS_MSERV for group group

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.123 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV for group group ignored. Not registered.

Long Syntax: MARS.123 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV for group group ignored. Not registered.

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.124 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV for group group is a duplicate

Long Syntax: MARS.124 ATM MARS mservMsg: MARS_MSERV for group group is a duplicate

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.125 ATM MARS mservMsg: Server registration has failed

Long Syntax: MARS.125 ATM MARS mservMsg: Server registration has failed

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.126 ATM MARS unservMsg: MARS_UNSERV for group group is a copy, ignored

Long Syntax: MARS.126 ATM MARS unservMsg: MARS_UNSERV for group group is a copy, ignored

Description: Informational message.



Short Syntax: MARS.127 ATM MARS unservMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_UNSERV, ignored

Long Syntax: MARS.127 ATM MARS unservMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_UNSERV, ignored

Description: Unknown protocol in message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.128 ATM MARS unservMsg: MARS_UNSERV from server serverAtmAddr not registered

Long Syntax: MARS.128 ATM MARS unservMsg: MARS_UNSERV from server serverAtmAddr not registered

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.129 ATM MARS unservMsg: Processing MARS_UNSERV deregister from server serverAtmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.129 ATM MARS unservMsg: Processing MARS_UNSERV deregister from server serverAtmAddr

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.130 ATM MARS unserv: Processing MARS_UNSERV for group group

Long Syntax: MARS.130 ATM MARS unserv: Processing MARS_UNSERV for group group

Description: Trace message.



Short Syntax: MARS.131 ATM MARS msg_handler: Unrecognized tlv for mars_message message

Long Syntax: MARS.131 ATM MARS msg_handler: Unrecognized tlv for mars_message message

Description: Drop message and give error message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.132 ATM MARS msg_handler: mars_message is an unexpected message, ignored

Long Syntax: MARS.132 ATM MARS msg_handler: mars_message is an unexpected message, ignored

Description: Informational message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.133 ATM MARS send_bkups: Sending a redirect msg with ctr addrs

Long Syntax: MARS.133 ATM MARS send_bkups: Sending a redirect msg with ctr addrs

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.134 ATM MARS redirmap: Timer cancelled, all leafs on CCVC are gone

Long Syntax: MARS.134 ATM MARS redirmap: Timer cancelled, all leafs on CCVC are gone

Description: Trace message.



Short Syntax: MARS.135 ATM MARS requestMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_REQUEST, ignored

Long Syntax: MARS.135 ATM MARS requestMsg: Undefined protocol (0x proto) in MARS_REQUEST, ignored

Description: Unknown protocol in message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.136 ATM MARS requestMsg: MARS_REQUEST from unregistered host hostAtmAddr

Long Syntax: MARS.136 ATM MARS requestMsg: MARS_REQUEST from unregistered host hostAtmAddr

Description: Host has not previously registered. Ignore the message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.137 ATM MARS requestMsg: Group = group

Long Syntax: MARS.137 ATM MARS requestMsg: Group = group

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.138 ATM MARS functionCall: Sending mars_opcode on vctype

Long Syntax: MARS.138 ATM MARS functionCall: Sending mars_opcode on vctype

Description: Trace message.



Short Syntax: MARS.139 ATM MARS functionCall: io_subroutine_name rc = 0x rc

Long Syntax: MARS.139 ATM MARS functionCall: io_subroutine_name rc = 0x rc

Description: I/O error return code.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.140 ATM MARS marsTimerInit: Using default of defaultValue for redirect timer

Long Syntax: MARS.140 ATM MARS marsTimerInit: Using default of defaultValue for redirect timer

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.141 ATM MARS marsTimerInit: redirect timer from configuration = timerValue

Long Syntax: MARS.141 ATM MARS marsTimerInit: redirect timer from configuration = timerValue

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: MARS.143 ATM MARS marsListCleanUp: Purge of typeVc about to begin

Long Syntax: MARS.143 ATM MARS marsListCleanUp: Purge of typeVc about to begin

Description: Trace message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: MARS.144 ATM MARS marsInstanceCleanUp: Unknown instance

Long Syntax: MARS.144 ATM MARS marsInstanceCleanUp: Unknown instance

Description: Cleanup halted.

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